UNICEF BiH – Communication Support for 2019 – 2020
The agency was engaged in providing various types of communication support: Regular and ad-hoc support, i.e. a dedicated person/team to support the UNICEF communication team in creating strategic communications (mobilization of social media networks, mini-campaigns, press preparation, media relations, opportunities for innovative communication, feedback for communication adaptation, strategies and tactics); Planning and implementation of “mobilization”, i.e. the use of social media networks, but also maintaining relations with traditional and new media related to the celebration of World Children’s Day (November 20, anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child) in 2019 and 2020; Ongoing support to UNICEF’s communication team – social media management and maintaining traditional media relations related to selected priority topics for public campaigns on children’s rights. Engagement and cooperation with influencers and celebrities in the promotion of children’s rights, through various activities and (mini) campaigns; Participation in weekly consultations and development/updating of communication plans and plans for social media networks; Ad-hoc on-demand support for planning various communication events and activities; Media monitoring (most influential), traditional and digital, to ensure reports and timely and adequate media analysis (Daily reports in local language and summaries in English on topics relevant to children and UNICEF in BiH, ad hoc thematic reports for specific projects or topics of interest, monthly quantitative reports). The agency’s engagement also includes the design, preparation and production of multimedia content in accordance with the regularly updated UNICEF Digital Content Strategy, preparation and production of multimedia content, support for management and regular updating of social media channels (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), support for key mapping media and implementation of periodic meetings for coordination with media managers and influential people, organization and logistical support for interactive media workshops, organization and provision of workshops for building communication capacities, ad-hoc support available for various communication support.)