Coca-Cola HBC B-H Sarajevo – PR support
Since 2014 PRIME Communications is in charge of PR support for all activities of the company:
Support for stakeholder mapping
Crisis communication
Project support
Media and Stakeholders relations
UNICEF BiH – Communication Support for 2019 – 2020
The agency was engaged in providing various types of communication support: Regular and ad-hoc support, i.e. a dedicated person/team to support the UNICEF communication team in creating strategic communications (mobilization of social media networks, mini-campaigns, press preparation, media relations, opportunities for innovative communication, feedback for communication adaptation, strategies and tactics); Planning and implementation of “mobilization”, i.e. the use of social media networks, but also maintaining relations with traditional and new media related to the celebration of World Children’s Day (November 20, anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child) in 2019 and 2020; Ongoing support to UNICEF’s communication team – social media management and maintaining traditional media relations related to selected priority topics for public campaigns on children’s rights. Engagement and cooperation with influencers and celebrities in the promotion of children’s rights, through various activities and (mini) campaigns; Participation in weekly consultations and development/updating of communication plans …
World Bank: Stakeholders mapping and citizen engagement for Skenderija
Since December 2019, our previous cooperation with World Bank was continued through new project – Stakeholders and Citizens Engagement for Urban revitalization of Skenderija (Sarajevo) which included but were not limited to Stocktaking and Stakeholder Mapping, and included research, a number of meetings and interviews with the key stakeholders, but also with Skenderija tenantry; developing Stakeholder Engagement Strategy and Communication Roadmap; organizing and facilitating Stakeholder Engagement Workshop which generated engagement of all stakeholders and used as a platform for connecting stakeholders in a coherent group; finding Stakeholder and Citizen Engagement Practices for Urban Projects to use similar practices of urban regeneration and stakeholders and citizens engagement practices recognized and collected to be used as examples and inspiration for the client and Skenderija stakeholders and finally preparation and delivery of detailed instruction of steps and procedures, recommendations and ideas on how to maintain stakeholders and citizens engagement in function, with …
PR support and preparation – Technical Vocational Education and Training project in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TVET)
The agency was responsible for preparing guidelines to be used for gathering necessary information from stakeholders during interviews and defining the scope, objectives, and activities of the TVET promotional campaign in the Republic of Srpska through stakeholder interviews. We developed a concept for discussion based on the concept developed with the Union of Employers of the Republic of Srpska and the contribution of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska to revise the campaign concept and obtain the final version. We also developed a concept for public relations and a visibility campaign to promote TVET and dual education in the Republic of Srpska. Ultimately, we prepared and delivered to the client a PR and advertising campaign strategy, which includes mapping key stakeholders, a list of activities, defined objectives, KPIs, indicators, risks and assumptions, a timeline, and the necessary resources.
World Children’s Day 2020 marking with UNICEF BiH
Through a series of related activities, UNICEF in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the support of PRIME Communications, has marked the first online celebration of the World Children Day 2020. Due to the current pandemic, we designed the event concept which was organized virtually for journalists and UNICEF BiH associates, but also for all those interested in the work of the organization. The event was recorded and streamed live on UNICEF BiH Facebook page from The UN House in Sarajevo with participants from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina joining via ZOOM. In addition to presenting activities and celebrating Children’s Day, UNICEF BiH ambassador Edin Džeko addressed from Rome, youth representatives sent their message to adults and particularly authorities, awards and recognitions were given to journalists and bloggers for their reporting on children’s rights.
Coca-Cola HBC B-H – Coca-Colina podrška mladima u BiH (Youth Empowered)
A global project that Coca-Cola is implementing locally since 2017. For this project Agency is implementing the whole communication process, including communication with stakeholders and partners, ensuring their support (Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Labor and Employment Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Federal Employment Service, Employment Service of Canton Sarajevo, Employment Service of Republika Srpska, City of Banja Luka, many NGOs from all over BiH (Kali Sara, Down Sy and We, Life with Down syndrome), youth organizations etc.) Creative, partnership and media leasing, promotion, technical organization, etc. also were Agency’s responsibilities. Also, PRIME was responsible for all project activities (overall project and event management), including seeking for and negotiating with project partners, partnership arrangements, online communication, relationships with all stakeholders, technical and logistical support.
IOM/BHRI – Printed Media Monitoring, Press Clipping And Media Analysis
IOM/BHRI – Printed Media Monitoring, Press Clipping And Media Analysis
Time: August 2018 – October 2020
For the needs of BHRI project, lead by the International Organization for Migration in BiH, we prepared a proposal with the methodology and products needed for the project and its staff to be well and timely informed.
Also, our task was to brief and prepare BHRI staff to be able to manage media relations, particularly in the period of continuous influx of migrants, their stay in BiH on their way to their final destinations in the EU, inadequate and / or no response from the BiH authorities to the influx of migrants, and growing discontent with the local population in this regard.
Media Landscape Report
Analysis of coverage by specific media outlets and/or influencers on social media
Discussion of factors influencing bias in the coverage of the migrant crisis
Media Ownership Report
The document presented data on traditional and …
Innovation forum Sarajevo Unlimited
The Regional Innovation Forum brings together participants from more than 20 countries, more than a hundred startups, and a forum of about 3000 visitors. The Agency sponsored the event for two years in a row by providing PR support. During this year the agency was in charge of Social Media support as a Conference’s partner.
Linea Alba – Veterinary pharmacy
Linea Alba is the first veterinary pharmacy in the Municipality of Stari Grad Sarajevo. The graphic design department of the PRIME Communications agency was in charge of redesigning their old logo. A campaign for social networks called “52 interesting things about animals” was also designed and planned through 52 interesting photos related to pets. It is proposed that one image will be published every week, so that the campaign would last for a year.