PR support and preparation – Technical Vocational Education and Training project in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TVET)
The agency was responsible for preparing guidelines to be used for gathering necessary information from stakeholders during interviews and defining the scope, objectives, and activities of the TVET promotional campaign in the Republic of Srpska through stakeholder interviews. We developed a concept for discussion based on the concept developed with the Union of Employers of the Republic of Srpska and the contribution of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska to revise the campaign concept and obtain the final version. We also developed a concept for public relations and a visibility campaign to promote TVET and dual education in the Republic of Srpska. Ultimately, we prepared and delivered to the client a PR and advertising campaign strategy, which includes mapping key stakeholders, a list of activities, defined objectives, KPIs, indicators, risks and assumptions, a timeline, and the necessary resources.