IOM/BHRI – Printed Media Monitoring, Press Clipping And Media Analysis

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IOM/BHRI – Printed Media Monitoring, Press Clipping And Media Analysis

IOM/BHRI – Printed Media Monitoring, Press Clipping And Media Analysis 

Time: August 2018 – October 2020

For the needs of BHRI project, lead by the International Organization for Migration in BiH, we prepared a proposal with the methodology and products needed for the project and its staff to be well and timely informed. 

Also, our task was to brief and prepare BHRI staff to be able to manage media relations, particularly in the period of continuous influx of migrants, their stay in BiH on their way to their final destinations in the EU, inadequate and / or no response from the BiH authorities to the influx of migrants, and growing discontent with the local population in this regard.

Media Landscape Report 

  • Analysis of coverage by specific media outlets and/or influencers on social media 
  • Discussion of factors influencing bias in the coverage of the migrant crisis  

Media Ownership Report 

The document presented data on traditional and new media, readership and viewing figures, ownership and connections and annual turnover data, reporting trends, media organizations, media legislations.

Press clipping and media monitoring services with archive – Daily Services

Daily service, Mon – Friday, weekends clips are delivered by Mon morning collecting all articles and TV reports mentioning migrant issues, including but not limited to Bosnia and Herzegovina migrant issue.

Alarm Media report service / alert about important, out of routine events, statements or crises that can impact public perception or will trigger or produce reactions or new events.

Immediate alert and short summary of the event or statement, location, involved parties, etc. 

Ad-hoc reports on topics of interest, as requested by BHRI:

  • A deep dive into host-community – migrant relations following a security incident

Political rhetoric after a new policy announcement

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